Comments on: talking spaces Change later Sat, 15 Mar 2014 10:59:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Miguel Alonso Tue, 29 May 2012 11:43:24 +0000 Cities are often associated with mixed emotions. They can sometimes make us feel insecure, disconnected and lonely, even in a crowd; while, in other moments, they provide the setting for the happiest events in our lives.

Whether we are conscious of it or not, urban spaces have a huge impact on how people participate in public life. Regular people of the cities know that the original concept of the public sphere originates from the agora old.

By: christian fierro Mon, 28 May 2012 00:50:15 +0000 I am agree with you,in this times we are linving in another type of world,nowadays the technology has become in something very important for us. But we can´t say that if the technology is something good or bad for the people, like all the things the technology has advantages and disavantages. in my case,the technology is something that help me a lot and I think it is useful for me, because when I want to do homeworks or bussiness or communicate with persons in anothers countries, I can do it thanks to the cellphones and the internet. But in the other hand the technology can be bad in some cases, for example in my family my sister is always with her cellphones and that is always a trouble for my parents because when we are eating or when we are in family she is always chating or in her facebook. In my case I don´t consider myself addicted to the technology becuase rarely I enter to my facebook or twitter, and I use my cellphones only when I want to do something important or communicate with my parents or my friends.Because in these days many people use too much the internet,cellphones,ipads,etc. and these things not permit to the people enjoy the real life,like our moments that we have with our family or friends. it is somenthing incredible that now we talk more in our cellphones than face to face.I I think that If we know how to use the technology for a good way it could be very good for our life.

By: Mishelle Mora Sun, 27 May 2012 20:09:56 +0000 I agree, people pay more attention to technology and more moving away from the real world, this means that they often miss wonderful things of life and they do not realize that things simpler can be the most beautiful. technology has advantages and disadvantages for example cell phones help us to stay us in touch with people much faster but at the same time we are farther of them. the technologia is affecting younger people, our parents did not know to use computers or phones, we have learned to use it but our little brothers know to use phones and computers and tablet that is new to us, and in the future they will prefer to have virtual books that in physical and more couples will be known by social networks that personally, little by little people is away of the real world and is nearer of the virtual world.

By: Maria Jose Tinoco Fri, 25 May 2012 04:26:11 +0000 Nowadays many people pay attention to their phone and they can’t notice what is happening around them. That’s why I’m totally agree with you Gavin. We can say techonology had isolated for the other people (family, friends, etc). Techonology is very useful but as any other thing it has a limit too, we have to know how we are using this machines and how many times we are spending on them. We should not only focus on techonology because we have many people around us that someday will need us and we wouldn’t notice what could be.

By: yahitsa molineros Thu, 24 May 2012 21:17:39 +0000 Nowadays technology is part of our life, in a way is completely usable but has its harmful side. People don’t really appreciate what they have around; because they are so immerse in other things, for example the kids are always playing in their Nintendo DS, PSP or every technological device that they use to distract themselves; teenagers and adults chatting in their cell phones, watching what people put or not in their social networks, if they are in a meeting with their friends or family they don’t pay attention to what they are talking about. Is very frustrating to see that people may not realize how beautiful the nature is or to enjoy a moment with people that we love. This becomes an uncontrollable situation that we need to change.

By: Yahel Gilbert Mon, 21 May 2012 17:51:06 +0000 I totally agree with you, now on days people only pay attention to what happens on the internet. We are caught in the things our celphones, laptops or other electronic devices have, that we do not see what mother nature has to give us. There are beautiful things on our environment we do not pay attention because we are talking to more that 3 people at the same time on our phones or we are always rushing that we don´t see what it is around us. We should not only focus on social networks, we should talk more often with people, see the birds, the flowers on our environment. We should enjoy more family time or go out with some friends instead of being locked in our technological buble.

By: Samar Hechaime Mon, 21 May 2012 07:36:59 +0000 Maria you are absolutely right. For us to be able to create cities and places that connect with us and future generations it would need to harness the power of the technology. It need to become more integral to the way we design our living spaces and not be something that grows on its own. That way we can help it reconnect us together and with the city or place.

By: Maria Fernanda Mina Sun, 20 May 2012 16:52:20 +0000 Nowadays people seem to have an incontrollable addiction with every: technological device, social network and others that were created supposedly to keep them in contact, but with the time it ended up destroying personal relationships. People have become so dependant to these devices that what they are getting is to isolate from the rest of the world; because they are too busy creating this “online world” that they just don’t have time to create real relationships. Even thought, in my case I can’t imagine a life without this devices, not because I am addicted to them but maybe because I have grown up surrounded by the; anyways I still thinking that we can take advantage of the technology, only if we learn how to control them and not letting them to control us.

By: Pablo Montalvo Mon, 16 Jan 2012 22:16:03 +0000 There are many changed around the world, especially in urban areas where older people used to not have the kind of technology that we now possess, enjoyed series of activities that dosen’t require mp3 players or cellphones. As you have already described, technology makes it easier to communicate with someone far away, but it also creates an isolation bubble form the outside world. People feel that they have two lives instead of one, one where youa ctually go outside and do activities, and the other where you live in many social networks. I think that confinement in social networks, could make some people believe that this is the only type of “life” they would want, but that is actually destroying your person in anonymous virtual realities. It’s fine to have a facebook account, but is not normal to only live because you need a digital social network to claim you are living life.

By: Domenica Mera Mon, 16 Jan 2012 13:33:49 +0000 technology and the media have made significant progress, now we can all communicate at any time from anywhere in the world. now people are already dependent on technology to communicate. today’s youth have that problem. The problem is that we can not communicate without using technology, and without the technology to communicate we feel lost.
